Category: Product
Open Invitation to the AccuShoot LFX Sneak Peek Event
The AccuShoot team has been busy developing new capabilities that we will soon be releasing as part of the expanding AccuShoot product lineup. We’re enthused to share that after many months of testing, AccuShoot LFX is ready for a first public spin! The Oregon Indoor Shooting Range is becoming AccuShoots LFX Customer #1 and they…
AccuShoot Android Version is Here!
Ever since we launched AccuShoot on the iPhone last year, we have been hard at work doing the same for millions of Android users. Today, we’re happy to share that It is finally here! We started serving Android users via our picture-based session scoring capability that allows any user to take a picture of their…
Announcing the Release of AccuShoot’s ED-209!
Today, AccuShoot is pleased to announce our latest version 209 of our Enforcement Droid series, cleverly named the ED-209. We’ve kept this project a secret until now because the first 208 versions did not always go as hoped. But now we have a major success to share with the world! So what is different about…
Using the Ammo Feature in AccuShoot
Do you objectively know what type of ammunition brings out your best shooting performance? Tag your live fire sessions at the range with the specific brand and weight of the ammo you use and let AccuShoot compute detailed comparisons necessary to reveal which specific ammo you do better with. You can easily choose from our…
Why AccuShoot?
Improving your marksmanship during precious live fire sessions at the range is not a random exercise. On the contrary, it requires purpose-driven drills, preparation, planning, and analysis. Some of you may think that sounds like a lot of work. The good news is AccuShoot is designed from the ground up to make it a whole…
AccuShoot Digital Locker Crash Course
You can define the weapon systems you use at the range within AccuShoot and analyze your shooting sessions in great depth to see which firearms, types of ammo and accessories help you achieve peak performance. Today’s video gives you a quick tour so you get started on the right foot with an example demonstrating how…
Introduction to AccuShoot Target Choices and Support
Today’s video lesson from AccuShoot Co-founder and CIO, Poul Petersen, intends to help AccuShooters all over the world find out about the different types of targets we support including the ones you can print at home. Our list of targets keeps growing by the month and is open to new requests from our community. Just…
Shooting Session Summary Explained
This week, we continue our education videos with the explanation of how AccuShoot summarizes and stores all your shooting session details. Once you get the handle of this you’ll be able to better appreciate how tracking performance over a longer time horizon can yield very useful insights about where you are with your marksmanship and…
Marksmanship Innovation: At-a-Glance Shooting Performance
Bringing a completely new and fresh approach to an age-old field like marksmanship takes some imagination and a good bit of innovative thinking that challenges past assumptions. In fact, AccuShoot is the result of over three years of research and development undertaken by a team with decades of experience in building enterprise machine learning systems…
Shot Group Analysis, the Automated Way – Part II
In our previous post of this series, we asked our readers to guess which of the following shot groups was better? Let’s revisit that example today and see how AccuShoot can definitively reveal the answer for us mortals given the shot group analysis basics we covered before. Our two shot groups of interest are from…